Thursday, October 07, 2004

birthday wish

oy! another birthday. time to wax and wane about turning 42. not so much about that whole mortality/aches and pains thing, though.

rather, about the few minutes this morning that made this day a true joy.

seems past birthdays have been a little heavy on reflection. and in my new-found middle age, that usually digresses into a depressing and combustible mix of self-pity, regret, and discontentment. as in, "i sure have accomplished little in my XX years on this planet," "another year of mediocrity under my belt" and "what an unspectacular life so far." so predictable. and, i must admit, after reading one of those articles on "top 40 under 40" executives this afternoon, i felt another sharp twinge of low esteem surging through my aging body.

but as dawn was breaking this morning, i was again reminded of how powerful the encouragement and love of others is.

that's when i opened the birthday card mom and dad sent me the day before. i got weepy as i sat at the intersection of northwest highway and tollway, reading the kind and clearly heartfelt words from my parents.

and a few minutes later, when i stumbled into the tiny booth at the metro for a breakfast with kris, he slid a gift my way. doesn't matter what it was. (although it was totally genius and will be the fodder for future funegro posts.)

what does matter is the thoughtfulness we show each other. the validation we give each other through our geniune acts of kindness and selflessness.

indeed, a day i had assumed would be forgettable and filled with some degree of regret and sadness became a glorious day filled with the love of friends and family -- a powerful reminder of those things that truly matter.

i wish that my 43rd year offers many opportunities to remind you how much you matter.

(and. occasionally, to mutter the phrase, "keep the change.")


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