Friday, November 26, 2004

ramble on

so i woke up at 6.30 on the biggest shopping day of the year and thought i'd go to best buy in search of a $29 mp3 player or a $59 plasma screen tv or a $89 laptop because i didn't have to work and i like the holidays and it seemed like a way to get in the conspicuous christmas consumption seasonal spirit and besides the early bird gets the worm unless the supplies of worms are limited to 3 per store then they usually go to the pakistani family who've been camped out in front of the store doors for a fortnight along with the thousands of pale joyless shoppers who packed the parking lot awaiting the automatic doors swinging wide open to reveal glorious deals and the thrill of jamming the aisles with their bleary-eyed, disheveled selves so late risers like me would have to deal with msrp on every electronic item in the store with the exception of the $199 sansui televrator which i passed on since the line to purchase an item was 322 people deep and i figured time is money so i went home to eat some bacon and collect the kids for a trip to the zoo where we saw some meerkats and came home to eat some soup and do some yardwork before eating a hearty protein rich dinner so i wouldn't get lightheaded and pass out at the gym where i overheard some musclehead proclaim to his lady friend over a military press that "vertical run is one of my all time favorite films."

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