Tuesday, April 06, 2004

awesome reports from our correspondent abroad. bravo to ko! that's the stuff that gives funegro the cred it needs in the blogging community. nice work. bring on the scintillating reports of phuket and mail-order brides.

wondering if you've seen the great leaning lightpost on meandering way? it defies description. and gravity! seems like it should fall over. but it doesn't! it's nearly spiritual. inspired me to review my utility bill and see if there's a surcharge for the privilege.

tomorrow, i'm off to experience the amazing "toll-way" and the world's smoothest elevator, rising to astonishing heights of 24 floors.

acid reflux medicine added to the purity of aquafina. pure genius. remember, if you suffer heartburn two or more times a week, you might have GERD.

we're merely days away from the glory of the cabin and confronting the evil arch-enemy, hughey. marshmallow man THIS!

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