Just replaced our pool filter.
Judging from this warning sticker on the new filter, I'll be hiring a lion tamer to change the DE.
I'm not exactly clear what's going on here, but, best I can tell from the visual, one wrong move and the filter lid awakens, opening wide its well concealed jaws to either taunt you with sharp insults or secrete an acid-like substance to temporarily blind you. This maneuver seems counterproductive, though, as it would severely limit your ability to enjoy the spectacular pyrotechnic show that eminates from the filter's midsection.
Apparently, just prior to this dramatic event, the filter has gnawed your feet off in a thoughtful manner as to leave you with smooth nubs to balance upon and contend with the menace that is the agitated and clearly provoked Filter Monster!
very clever.
i think you add more info about it.
yeah! its much better,
very clever.
when will you go online?
sure, why not!
im your favorite reader here!
well its nice to know that you have great hits here.
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