Sunday, July 06, 2008

So this is how the other 56% lives . . .

That I'm enjoying a coffee poolside isn't necessarily worthy of a blog post.

But that I'm doing it on a Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and guilt-free, seems like front-page news.

My leisurely Sunday morning comes courtesy of some construction at our church, requiring that our morning assembly take place elsewhere during the afternoon.

So after 40+ years of conditioning -- including mad scrambles against the morning clock, speed shaving, extreme ironing, breakfasts hastily consumed -- I'm having to reprogram myself to actually enjoy this leisurely Sunday morning. Without pretending to be sick.

Old habits die hard, though.

Exhibit A: My instincts to hush my actions in the backyard a few minutes ago as our Baptist neighbors were dutifully loading up their car for church. Wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression of us . . . Just like the cafeteria trick of dressing up to go to Sunday lunch after sleeping all morning. Alas, the reflex to seek approval and to maintain the illusion of piety is still alive. Ugh.

Here's hoping our summer schedule change provides the chance to let down our collective starched guard and enjoy a more casual, relaxed and joyful time together.


Anonymous said...

I can relate. I had a taste of Sunday morning R&R myself a couple of months ago when a badly sprained ankle rendered me couch-bound. The term 'cognitive dissonance' came to mind as I savored an extra cup of coffee and read the entire Sunday Times while at the same time struggling to ignore the niggling feeling that at the very least I should be reading not the paper but the Bible. Old habits, even very good ones, do indeed die hard.

ELO said...

Imagine how difficult it would be to count all the Christians who are home sitting by their pool enjoying some quiet time with God (and java). It would wreak havoc with church statistics going back to the Cane Ridge Revival.

Kris Oliver said...

We opted to attend Arapaho United Methodist (gasp) this past Sunday and it was one of the best worship experiences I have had in a long time. I look forward to returning during our renovation at Prestoncrest.