Monday, February 26, 2007

Another return

Once again, it feels good to be back at Funegro.

I'd love to recommit to regular postings. If it weren't for the whole commitment thing, I would in a heartbeat.

Guess this post was inspired by a review of the Funegro archives. If you haven't recently, I'd encourage you to take a spin through the articles. Some classics. True points in time in our lives. What a wonderful snapshot it provides.

Was also inspired by an article in this month's WIRED. It's not so much an article as it is a series of soundbytes-in-print, testimony to our society's trend to consuming content and media in short, quick bursts.

To that end, they offer up Radio SASS, where rock/pop songs are trimmed down to about two minutes in length. (30 songs an hour!)

"Through time compression, you get the memorable heart of each song, with an average length of aproximately two minutes with NO self indulgent guitar solos, NO long intros, NO repetition of choruses again and again."

Stranglehold in 120 seconds? Sounds like a bad K-tel pitch. The guy behind all this? George Gimarc, from KZEW's Rock and Roll Alternative back in the day. The guy's got chutzpah.

Artistic integrity aside, it works. Especially on the crappy songs.

Sample it here.

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